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Eppley Recreation Center Enforcing COVID-19 Policies to Benefit All

RecWell is coming in full force to combat the coronavirus pandemic with new policies and regulations. A reservation system, social distancing stickers, required facial coverings and deep cleaning protocols are among other rules that have been put in place.


Image Credit: Meghan Curtis for The Campus Trainer

Make sure you set an early alarm, so you can hop onto IMLeagues to reserve a slot. They fill up fast! Patrons are now required to reserve time slots in order to work out at Eppley. Time slots open at 6 a.m. for reservations for the next day. You may register for any of the areas including the Fitness Center, West Gym, Weight Room, Outdoor Aquatic Center, ERC Natatorium and the School of Public Health’s Weight Room.

TIP -- read the descriptions for each area because a lot of the equipment has been moved

around from last semester.

The Ritchie Coliseum is also open for reservations. The Reckord Armory plans to open in the near future, but Intramural Sports start VIRTUALLY on September 21.

We converted The Shell...into a personal training-only room, with a capacity of four people. If the client for personal training would like to use another area, they would have to make a reservation like any other patron using our facilities,” said Rachel Knicley, a Weight/Fitness Program Assistant and Weight/Fitness Supervisor at the University of Maryland.

Social Distancing

Image Credit: Meghan Curtis for The Campus Trainer

Social distancing six feet away from others is an important aspect of preventing the spread of the coronavirus. In order to ensure patrons and employees are safe, there are social distancing sticker reminders all around the facility.

In areas that lines tend to form, we have placed stickers on the ground to encourage our patrons to space out properly. Areas such as our Sneakers Cafe and our elevators also have stickers to ensure proper distancing,” said Knicley. In addition, there are arrows in front of the staircases defining which way to walk, upstairs or downstairs, to avoid people running into each other.

Facial Coverings

Image Credit: Meghan Curtis for The Campus Trainer

Face masks are REQUIRED to be worn while in Eppley. Remember to have your mask covering your nose as well as your mouth in order to protect yourself and others. Patrons must wear “cloth or surgical masks, and we do not allow plastic face shields or masks with vents, as we have found that those do not prevent the spread of COVID-19,” said Knicley. Although wearing masks while exercising may be uncomfortable, it is a strict policy that Eppley employees have to enforce. “Face coverings are the number one thing” for students to do in order to keep themselves and others safe, said Mary Kate S. Crawford, RecWell Associate Director for Programs. Wear your mask!


Meghan Curtis for The Campus Trainer

When you walk up to your reserved area you will see a check-in table with spray bottles and rags. A facility staff member will be there to check your reservation as well as give you a spray bottle with a cleaning solution and a rag. Patrons are instructed to clean equipment before and after use to kill any potential germs. After your workout, you can throw your rag in a designated bin and place the spray bottle back on the table. Employees wash the dirty rags and sanitize the spray bottles for the next use. “I don’t mind the new cleaning procedures. I think it’s a really smart idea to combat germs and COVID-19,” said Corey Pentz, a junior Atmospheric and Oceanic Science major at the University of Maryland.


Image Credit: Meghan Curtis for The Campus Trainer

Don’t fret -- when working out you will not be surrounded by lots of other people. Each area of the gym allows a specific capacity based on square footage and social distancing guidelines. Employees keep track of how many people are in their area, so you have a safer environment.

Hand Sanitizing Stations

Image Credit: Meghan Curtis for The Campus Trainer

Hand sanitizing stations and cleaning wipes are available all around the facility. Keep your hands clean throughout your workout by taking advantage of this. Don’t forget that washing your hands is the most efficient way of getting rid of germs.

Daily Symptom Check

Image Credit: Screenshot by Meghan Curtis for The Campus Trainer

As part of the 4Maryland initiative, students and employees are required to complete a daily symptom check to be cleared to come to campus and enter buildings and facilities. Set a reminder because if you fail to complete this you won’t be able to workout in Eppley. It is vital that you answer the questions honestly in order to keep yourself and others safe. You wouldn’t want to go to the gym and potentially infect others.

The Future

All of this information may seem overwhelming at first. Crawford believes Eppley “will not be an epicenter of campus,” but RecWell can only control its spaces, not all of campus. All of these policies and changes have been made for the best interest of YOU. The biggest three policies in Crawford’s opinion are the reservation system, face coverings and what Eppley offers with its amenities. Follow these protocols to stay safe and have an enjoyable, stress-free workout!


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