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Five Fast, Fun and Healthy Snacks

Image credit: Pixabay

Snacking is one of those things that creeps up on you. Chances are you’ve done it when you’re bored, you’ve done it when you’re stressed and, rightfully so, when you feel like you will lose steam if you don't eat before your next meal. Whatever category you are in (no judgement), here are a few easy and nutritious snacks that hold their own against a bag of potato chips.

“A healthy snack is one that combines multiple food groups. Specifically, a healthy snack should include both a carbohydrate and a protein and/or healthy fat. This helps your body get the energy it needs from the snack, but also helps keep you full and satisfied," Klara Knezevic, a registered dietitian at Rebecca Bitzer and Associates located in Greenbelt, Colombia and Annapolis said. "For example, if you just ate an apple for a snack, you would be hungry again very quickly! If you added some peanut butter to that apple, it would give you energy but it would keep you fuller for longer.”

As always, eating healthy must be balanced with your busy schedule and social life. Thus, to keep you energized through all your College Park endeavors, here is a list of five quick snacks to whip up:

  • Veggies and hummus:

Veggies and hummus aren’t just a cocktail party staple meant to be sidelined when there are chips and guacamole present. An array of vegetables along with a scoop of ground chickpeas is a quick and plant-based protein-packed snack that can hold you over until your next meal. Just two tablespoons of hummus has two grams of protein! This snack is also extremely versatile and allows you to get as creative as you please. For vegetables, some complementary hummus pairing are: carrots, celery, bell peppers, broccoli, snap peas and honestly just about anything you choose. For the hummus, there are several different kinds to choose from; you can add a little spice to the dip. Some fan favorites are roasted red pepper, roasted garlic, pinenut, lemon-twist and – for the brave ones –jalapeno.

  • Apples and nut-butter:

This is also a classic healthy snack. If you are someone who craves Reeses and PB&Js, this is an alternative option that won’t weigh you down as much but still give you that peanut butter fix you were looking for. In this health-revolution era, where people are looking to vary their protein choices with more plant-based options, there are several options of what you can dip your crisp apple slices in. A favorite of mine is almond butter, which is lower in saturated fat than classic peanut butter. Other nut butters that are worth trying are cashew butter, and, though not a “nut,” sunflower seed butter.

  • Homemade energy balls:

So, the thing about these versatile little balls is that they can be an afternoon pick-me-up or a sweet treat after dinner. These are commonly made with rolled oats, a nut-butter, honey and something sweet, like chocolate chips, coconut flakes or dried fruit like raisins or cranberries. If you want added protein, add some protein powder in. After combining all of the ingredients, roll the mixture into small balls, like cookie dough, and then pop them in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. These are perfect on the go, too!

  • Avocado Toast:

Although this is a staple at boujee, boozy brunches, it can also make a great snack if you need something with a little more substance. Choose a piece of multigrain or wheat bread as the base. Mix about a quarter of a smashed avocado, some salt, pepper and a little squeeze of lemon if you’d like. Smear this across the toast. You can also add some toppings if you desire, like sliced cherry tomatoes, sriracha or cayenne powder.

  • Smoothie:

Smoothies have endless combinations and the ability to mentally transport you to a tropical island, even when it’s just a dreary day in College Park. For bases, I usually start with frozen fruit, which you can buy in bulk at grocery stores. Some good blends are assorted berries or tropical ones with mango and pineapple. You can choose to add a banana for some sustenance. You can also add protein powder. For liquids, I usually use unsweetened almond milk, or you can use coconut milk or juice. If you are feeling adventurous, you can even add some greens like spinach and kale to the blend. I swear you can’t taste the “green!”

If you still feel like these snacks are a bit too time-consuming for your schedule, there are more on-the-go options as well. It is always possible to reach for a protein bar, but be careful with which one you choose. Some bars that use actual fruit and nuts, instead of supplements, are Lara, RX and Kind bars.

Some more snack ideas Image courtesy of Rebecca Bitzer & Associates

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