We’re Serious About Self Care

Image credit: Pixabay
The semester is coming to an end, and stress levels are heightening for students all over campus. This is an important time for you to unwind and spend time on yourself. Here are some good ways for you to find your zen.
Detox With a Face Mask
Sophomore psychology major Mackenzie Martin said self care is “taking time off for just yourself and nothing else, like treating yourself to something you usually don’t.”
One of her favorite things to do is put on a face mask and listen to music. She uses Lush’s Mask of Magnaminty, which leaves skin tingly without being abrasive or harsh.
Around once or twice a week, Martin uses the mask to help clear up her pores.

Image courtesy of Mackenzie Martin

Image courtesy of Mackenzie Martin
Movie Night
Sometimes the best medicine is simply curling up on the couch with a blanket and some snacks and kicking back to watch your favorite flick!
For her nights in, sophomore graphic design major Sydney Schriever said, “I call in all the girls, make some popcorn, and watch a movie.”
Schriever has lots of favorite movies, but she said “if I had to choose, it would depend on the month.”
Right now, for example, her top two are Home Alone and Elf.

Image credit: Britta Miller for The Campus Trainer
There’s been many studies related to relaxation and music, and that could be just the thing to help you relax. Sophomore information science major Andrew Ferguson said, “I like to drink tea and turn on my essential oil diffuser and sit there and unwind.”
“I like to sort of relate to the themes in the music to what im dealing with that day or that week and channel it,” Ferguson said.
Senior economics major Miranda Alam likes to have a full beauty day to practice self care.
“When I want to feel good I’ll do like eyebrows, lashes, haircut all in quick succession so I feel cute,” Alam said.
Alam also stresses the importance of going to the gym to get some exercise.
“I always make sure I get time to exercise during finals because I know it keeps me refreshed and from being super sad the whole time,” Alam said.
For some people, that could be yoga, a jog, or the elliptical, but it’s all about finding what works best for you.
Show yourself some love and take some time out of your busy schedule to practice some healthy self-care. Now destress and pass those tests!