Five Fun Date Ideas

Image credit: The Active Times
The season of pumpkin spice lattes, oversized flannels and campfires is upon us, and there is no better way to spend it than going on cute, fun and affordable dates around College Park. Even though our campus can feel small at times, there are plenty of activities that can be enjoyed in the upcoming cooler weather.
Waters Orchard Farm
Apple picking is a great fall date idea because not only do you get to spend time outside with your friends or significant other, but you also get a tasty reward. Waters Orchard is a family-owned farm in Germantown, Maryland that is about a 40 minute drive from campus. They offer a “Pick-Your-Own Experience,” where you can purchase an apple picking bag and fill it to the top with the orchard’s delicious apples. You can use your apples for different fall recipes such as apple pie, cider, donuts and more!
Artechouse: New Nature
Artechouse, which is located in Washington D.C., has been a popular spot for students because of its proximity to campus and its amazing exhibits. This fall they are releasing their newest exhibit called “New Nature” which their website describes as “a colorful digital menagerie of nature-inspired creatures and plant life that will react in real-time to your gestures and actions.” If you are 21 or older, you can experience the evening admission, where you will have access to “Augmented Reality Cocktails” that make the Artechouse experience even more immersive! If you and your significant other are in the mood to enhance your Instagram game, drink incredibly cool cocktails or experience amazing digital art this fall, hop on the metro and head to Artechouse!
National Art Gallery: Fall Concert Series
Enjoy a night of beautiful music, good company and refreshments at the National Art Gallery. The museum offers free concerts throughout the fall and features a variety of music, including opera, jazz, orchestral pieces and more. The museum’s website includes a full list of the free concerts that will be offered. The performances will take place in the West Garden Court as well as the East Building, which in itself features rotating exhibits, newly-renovated galleries, as well as a rooftop sculpture garden.
Sunset Movie Series at Heurich Park
What better way to spend a fall night than watching a movie and viewing the sunset? Grab your blankets and head to Heurich Park to enjoy a free outdoor movie! On Oct. 26 at 7 p.m., the town of Hyattsville will be showing the movie “Monster House” as part of their Sunset Movie Series. Heurich Park is only a 10 minute drive from campus. This is the perfect opportunity to sip apple cider and cuddle up with your significant other on a fall night.
If you are looking for an easy and affordable date idea, have a picnic on campus! There are plenty of perfect picnic spots all over our campus, including McKeldin Mall, in front of the University of Maryland Memorial Chapel or on Washington Quad. Picnics are also easy because they can be held whenever you want and the food you bring will be entirely in your control. You can even get some food for your picnic at the farmers market on campus, which is open Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Tawes Plaza Garden, in front of Tawes Hall. Vendors at the market include the Maryland Dairy, Cove Point Winery, Schroll’s Gourmet Foods and plenty of other local businesses. What’s better than saving money, enjoying a beautiful fall day and spending quality time with someone you love?
Fall is now in full swing, and it is the perfect season for fun dates! As you can see, there are plenty of affordable, fun, and cute activities that you and your significant other can do to celebrate the season.