Tips for Worthwhile Studying

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While college differs in many ways from high school, there is one reoccurring similarity for students worldwide: the inability to study effectively. While some students have particular study methods, several others have yet to secure effective habits. With juggling school, a social life and maybe even a job, it often becomes difficult to focus on one thing at a time upon entering college. With that, here are some studying tips that have been shown to be useful for many students.
Rewrite Your Notes
Rewriting notes and highlighting key information fall under what is known as the rehearsal and retrieval process. The rehearsal process consists of repeating information in order to maintain it consciously, while the retrieval process means revisiting the same information that can be later used to study. What’s important to understand is that the retrieval process works best when you are able to recall what you wrote and rehearse it without looking directly at your notes. Using flashcards is a popular method of recall that fits under the retrieval process. When one studies with flashcards, he or she learns by trying to recall facts and not by looking at what’s written down. Kunal Harmalker, a freshman government and politics major, said that rewriting by hand “forces [him] to review the notes and it’s easy for [him] to study them when it comes to exams.”
Put Away Any Distractions
When I study or do homework, my phone is always next to me. There is no good reason for that; it only makes it extremely difficult to stay focused when I know that I would rather be on social media. Phones are the number-one distractions when it comes to just about anything. Recently, my friend introduced me to an app that is helpful in combating that distraction, and it also provides a benefit on the receiving end. The app, Pocket Points, rewards individuals with discounts from surrounding stores for staying off their phones for an intended time. Whatever your distractions are, discovering a way to get rid of them will allow your concentration to improve drastically.
Gather a Study Group
One important thing to note when it comes to studying is that whatever you may be going through, you are not alone. There are several others who are probably experiencing the same frustration or feel as if time is out to get them. Whenever you feel stuck, it’s a good idea to find other people taking the same subject as you and form a study group. Surrounding yourself with people taking the same courses as you can be beneficial. Some advantages of studying together versus alone include being able to ask questions, discuss problems and help each other, all of which lead to motivating one another and help clear away any confusions.
Find a Study Spot
Where you study is important. For most people, if it’s a loud and crowded environment, chances are it’s difficult for them to study there. Libraries, study lounges or quiet coffee houses are a few places to check out. On campus, some quiet and popular studying locations include McKeldin Library, Hornbake Library, McKeldin Mall, and the lounge in Knight Hall, among many others. However, some people might actually prefer the background noise to studying alone, so visit whichever location best suits your needs. It’s a good idea to check out some places on campus and decide which spot best fits your learning style if you haven’t already.
Make a Plan/Schedule
As college life gets busier and more difficult to manage, it’s always good to have a schedule to follow. This can include having a calendar that maps all upcoming assignments, exams and due dates. However, it’s not only having a schedule that’s important, but it’s also sticking to it and finding time to space everything out and allot time to each subject. Setting goals can prompt you to have the desire to attain them. To better achieve your goals, you can establish a reward system for yourself. For example, during readings, you can place a gummy bear or any other snack at the end of each paragraph and treat yourself once you reach it.
What Now?
With the new school year already in session, some students are already having difficulty staying on track in their studies. However, it’s important to take things one step at a time and consider what you need in order to do well. The next time you’re studying, try out some of these study tips, and hopefully they can help you attain your desired grades!