4 Products That Will Help you Relax

College can be extremely stressful for students all over the world. From balancing a heavy course load and a job, to pursuing internships and leadership roles, it can be hard to find a minute for yourself. As semesters everywhere begin to wrap up, here are some products that can help you relax.

1. Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Aloe, Herbs and Rosewater

Mario Badescu’s long-time fan favorite facial spray is affordable at just $7 for a 5 oz bottle. It delivers a refreshing rosey mist that moisturizes while also working as a setting spray. Everything about this product helps one breathe a bit easier.

“I use my rosewater Badescu spray every single day. It’s refreshing in between classes but also makes my foundation stick when my days are really long,” said Hanley Glisk, a junior psychology major at Villanova University.

2. Mario Badescu Drying Lotion

A little more expensive at $17 a bottle, Badescu’s Drying Lotion is a godsend. It is applied with a Q-Tip and leaves a pink cream visible on your skin while it works its magic, so it is best for overnight use. This magic product dries up and erases even the toughest of blemishes that may be caused by end of the semester stress.

3. Lavender Scented Oil

Lavender’s scent may provide relaxation to one’s senses, and for just $3.50 you can buy lavender scented oil that can be diffused in any aroma or oil diffuser. Once you purchase the diffuser you only have to keep buying the oils, and research shows that scent diffusers may aleve anxiety and worrisome thoughts. However, they are not a cure to illness. MONQ has a very interesting article about the best essential oils to reduce anxiety.

4. Essential Oil Diffuser

An oil diffuser is an electronic device, which comes in many different shapes and sizes, that spreads a smell after you plug it in and add water.

This is an Aromatherapy station in Target in College Park. There are many different oils to choose from, and you can get everything you need right here.

Image credit: Libby Dawejko for The Campus Trainer

The end of the semester is a stressful time for many students, and the pressure can become intense. It is important to take the time to wind down and focus on yourself, not just on your responsibilities. These products may help do just that. Whether it’s a bath bomb, face mask or lotion, small things can sometimes help provide an escape from the daily stresses of life.
