Cute Couples' Costumes for Halloween

Image Credit: Pixabay

Halloween parties are grand excuses for people to showcase their creative sides, especially for couples. With a clever joint costume, you can show off another aspect of your relationship that people might not have known about.

Maybe you and your significant other share a similar taste in movies and television, enjoy the same food combinations or even have the same aptitude for puns. No matter what things draw you two together, there are costume ideas that can be derived from them. Here are some suggestions for costumes that are not only expressive, but may also allow the special aspects of your relationship to be revealed in a way they wouldn’t normally be.

1. Moonrise Kingdom

For the quirky and light-hearted lovers (or, of course, fans of Wes Anderson films), you might want to look into portraying the young lovers from “Moonrise Kingdom.” 12-year-olds Sam and Suzy went as far as running away to an island just to be together. Aside from the extensive search their friends and family organized to find them, the relationship between these kids is both quirky and sweet. If you think that your relationship might be the same, then this costume idea could work great for you!

2. Addams Family

If you’re looking to dress as a couple that represents both Halloween and love, you’ll want to consider Morticia and Gomez from the “Addams Family” franchise. The heads of this ghoulish family are not only devoted to scary antics, but also to their undying passion for one another. Morticia and Gomez can often be seen showering each other with love, respect and gestures of affection. If you and partner are the same way, prep yourselves accordingly and give their look a try!

3. Bonnie and Clyde

Perhaps you and your significant other share a rebellious nature. If you’re the kind of couple that finds enjoyment in living on the edge, you might want to dress up as the infamous Bonnie and Clyde. In spite of having been American criminals during the early 1930s, for many, the partnership between these two continues to serve as a testament to what it means to be a loyal companion. Assuming that you and your partner aren’t actually into breaking laws but are rebellious, and loyal to one another, look into sporting this mischievous duo.

4. Old Hollywood Flames

The classic Hollywood image is one of luxury and status. If you and your partner share a fancy for this image, consider dawning costumes in homage to notable Old Hollywood couples. You could be fictional lovers like Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler from “Gone With the Wind”, or a real-life couple like Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks. Considering the touch of subtle regality that lasted through this era of film and celebrity, no matter who or what you choose to portray, you’re going to look pretty impressive.

6. Party Animals and Other Puns

If you and your partner have a keen eye for clever puns and riddles, then why not bring your favorites to life for Halloween parties? You could be party animals, potheads or ceiling fans, or channel more romantic puns such as, “This may be cheesy but I think you’re grate,” “You’re my butter half” or “You’re the apple of my eye.”

7. Office Supplies

Okay, so if you and your partner are pretty straight-laced and out-there costumes aren’t really your thing, there are still ways for you to be cute and coordinated this Halloween. For relationships that are fun but slightly more low-key than others, you can dress as common items like office supplies.

Any of these combinations, whether spooky, kooky or just plain jovial, will be a fun way to show off another side of your relationship’s chemistry this Halloween.

